About Me

Wife, sister, daughter, and all around homebody born and raised in New Jersey. On any given day, I would rather go home than be out and about, but the draw of iconic, innovative, and plain good food lures me from my comfort zone and into new places.

“Food is not just eating energy. It’s an experience.”

-Guy Fieri

My husband and I love food. There is no noodle or potato that could do me wrong, and he can’t get enough chicken wings. Growing up, we were both exposed to various food scenarios, but that is where our similarities end. He grew up eating Chinese food, mostly of the take-out variety, due to the family business. I had the priviledge of experiencing great food at a young age. My mother is a great cook and willing to try new recipes from any culture. Until I was about 3 years old, my uncle (a professional chef from Italy), lived in the upstairs apartment of our house. After that, family vacations would consist of journeying all kinds of places to visit my Zia and Zio in the various locations they called home at that time. As he rose among the ranks in his career, the quality (and price) of his food began to soar. His influence and my mother’s openness has instilled in me a try-everything-once attitude when it comes to food.

“Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.”

-Dalai Lama

As for going new places as a homebody, it’s not as hard as I thought it would be. I’ve never been afraid of going places (see various family trips), but the thought of all the time and energy it takes to plan the accommodations, transportation, and everything that goes into getting ready… it never seemed to be worth the fuss. But, with my husband by my side, going away doesn’t seem so daunting. In fact, I have even compiled a list of place to visit and things to eat! More often than not, my parents and younger sister come along for the journey (or at least parts of it).

Food from near and far, home-made to 5-star restaurants, comfort to avant-garde is my goal. I love to try regional favorites and cultural dishes. Nothing is out of the question, although it may be out of budget, so my food and travel bucket list keeps growing even as we continue to check-off things.